*Coffee Liquor Bundt Cake*
Boozy Bundts
Conoceis el Licor Cafe mis Patycofans?
Es un licor delicioso,tradicional de las tierras Gallegas al norte de España,
contiene un alto grado de alcohol y despues de 2 copitas te hace sonreir y sonreir..
Este mes tenemos una invitacion con mucha marcha y alegria
para hornear nuestros Bundts.
Boozy Bundts es la propuesta de Shena Datar @SnehasRecipe
para nuestra reunion mensual BundtBakers.
Yo he elegido el delicioso Licor de Cafe que me transporta años atras a
esas salidas de fiesta con mi amiga Chus...salidas inolvidables
llenas de risas y aventuras.
Este bundt lo he horneado en honor a esos maravillosos dias!
Do you know the Coffee Liquor my Patycofans?
Is a delicious, traditional liquor of the Galician land to the north of Spain,
It contains a high degree of alcohol and after 2 drinks it makes you smile and smile.
It contains a high degree of alcohol and after 2 drinks it makes you smile and smile.
This month we have an invitation with a lot of fun and joy
in the preparation of our Bundts.
Boozy Bundts is the proposal of Shena Datar @SnehasRecipe
for our monthly BundtBakers meeting.
I chose the delicious coffee liqueur that transports me back years
those party outings with my friend Chus ... unforgettable outings
full of laughter and adventure.
This bundt I have baked in honor of those wonderful days!
Let us begin:
3 tazas Harina
1 y media taza Azucar
1 cucharadita levadura
4 Huevos
media cucharadita Nuez moscada
1 copa Licor Cafe (mas o menos es a vuestro gusto)
1 cucharadita Vainilla
1 cucharadita Cafe instantaneo
2 cucharadas Agua caliente
125g Mantequilla
media taza Nueces
1 taza Licor Cafe para bañar el bizcocho
200g Nata para montar
50g Azucar glass
1 cucharadita vainilla
Cafe instantaneo
Chocolate polvo
Chispitas chocolate
3 cups All Purpose Flour
1/2 cup Caster Sugar
1 teaspoon Baking power
4 Eggs
1/2 teaspoon Nutmeg
1 drink Coffee Liquor (more or less is to your liking)
1 teaspoon Vanilla
1 teaspoon Instant coffee
2 tablespoons hot Water
125g Unsalted Butter
1/2 cup Walnuts
1 cup Coffee Liquor to brush the cake
200g whipping cream
50g Icing Sugar
1 teaspoon Vanilla
Instant coffee
Chocolate powder
Chocolate chips
Paso a paso. Method:
Mise en place. |
Cremar el azucar con la mantequilla durante 5 minutos. Beat butter and sugar in a large bowl until light and fluffy.. |
Tamizar el harina con la levadura. Es el momento de precalentar el horno a 180 grados con calor arriba y abajo. Sieve together baking powder and flour. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.. |
Cuando veamos que la mantequilla se torna blanquesina podemos añadir los huevos uno a uno integrando bien. Add eggs one at a time. Beating well after each addition. |
Añadir 1/3 del harina y mezclar. Add 1/3 flour.. |
Añadir la vainilla, mezclar. Add in vanilla.. |
Añadir la copita de licor cafe, mezclar. Add the glass of coffee liqueur, mix.. |
Añadir el cafe disuelto en agua caliente, mezclar. Add the dissolved coffee in hot water, mix. |
Añadir la nueces picaditas, mezclar. Add the chopped walnuts, mix. |
Ya tenemos la masa lista. Beating well after each addition.. |
Colocar la masa en el molde, que habremos engrasado con tiempo. Pour batter into a greased and floured 10 to 12 inches ring pan.. |
Hornear durante 45 a 50 minutos ó hasta que al meter un palillo este salga limpio. Bake on 180 degrees for 45 to 50 mins.. |
Sacar del horno y dejar reposar sobre una rejilla durante 15 minutos antes de desmoldar. Cool for 15 mins before removing from pan to a wire rack to cool completely. |
Desmoldamos...mirad que super aspecto mas apetitoso tiene nuestro Bundt! Unmold ... look how appetizing our Bundt looks! |
Como veis mis Patycofans, es una verdadera delicia de Cafe. You see my Patycofans, it is a real treat Coffee... |
A disfrutar!!! To enjoy!!! |
- Caramel & Rum Upside Down Pineapple Bundt Cake by Sneha's Recipe
- Coffee Liqueur Bundt Cake by Patyco Candybar
- Lemon Rum & Coconut Bundt by Sweet Sensations
- Mojito Bundtlets by A Day in the Life on the Farm
- Piña Colada Bundt Cake by Food Lust People Love
- Rum Cake by Passion Kneaded
#BundtBakers is a group of Bundt loving bakers who get together once a
month to bake Bundts with a common ingredient or themeYou can see all of
our lovely Bundts by following our Pinterest board. We take turns
hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient. Updated links for
all of our past events and more information about BundtBakers, can be
found on our home page.