*Coffee Liquor Bundt Cake*
Boozy Bundts
Conoceis el Licor Cafe mis Patycofans?
Es un licor delicioso,tradicional de las tierras Gallegas al norte de España,
contiene un alto grado de alcohol y despues de 2 copitas te hace sonreir y sonreir..
Este mes tenemos una invitacion con mucha marcha y alegria
para hornear nuestros Bundts.
Yo he elegido el delicioso Licor de Cafe que me transporta años atras a
esas salidas de fiesta con mi amiga Chus...salidas inolvidables
llenas de risas y aventuras.
Este bundt lo he horneado en honor a esos maravillosos dias!
Do you know the Coffee Liquor my Patycofans?
Is a delicious, traditional liquor of the Galician land to the north of Spain,
It contains a high degree of alcohol and after 2 drinks it makes you smile and smile.
This month we have an invitation with a lot of fun and joy
in the preparation of our Bundts.
Boozy Bundts is the proposal of Shena Datar @SnehasRecipe
for our monthly BundtBakers meeting.
I chose the delicious coffee liqueur that transports me back years
those party outings with my friend Chus ... unforgettable outings
full of laughter and adventure.
This bundt I have baked in honor of those wonderful days!Let us begin:
3 tazas Harina
1 y media taza Azucar
1 cucharadita levadura
4 Huevos
media cucharadita Nuez moscada
1 copa Licor Cafe (mas o menos es a vuestro gusto)
1 cucharadita Vainilla
1 cucharadita Cafe instantaneo
2 cucharadas Agua caliente
125g Mantequilla
media taza Nueces
1 taza Licor Cafe para bañar el bizcocho
200g Nata para montar
50g Azucar glass
1 cucharadita vainilla
Cafe instantaneo
Chocolate polvo
Chispitas chocolate
3 cups All Purpose Flour
1/2 cup Caster Sugar
1 teaspoon Baking power
4 Eggs
1/2 teaspoon Nutmeg
1 drink Coffee Liquor (more or less is to your liking)
1 teaspoon Vanilla
1 teaspoon Instant coffee
2 tablespoons hot Water
125g Unsalted Butter
1/2 cup Walnuts
1 cup Coffee Liquor to brush the cake
200g whipping cream
50g Icing Sugar
1 teaspoon Vanilla
Instant coffee
Chocolate powder
Chocolate chips
Paso a paso. Method:
Mise en place.
Cremar el azucar con la mantequilla durante 5 minutos. Beat butter and sugar in a large bowl until light and fluffy.. |
Tamizar el harina con la levadura. Es el momento de precalentar el horno a 180 grados con calor arriba y abajo. Sieve together baking powder and flour. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.. |
Cuando veamos que la mantequilla se torna blanquesina podemos añadir los huevos uno a uno integrando bien. Add eggs one at a time. Beating well after each addition. |
Añadir 1/3 del harina y mezclar. Add 1/3 flour.. |
Añadir la vainilla, mezclar. Add in vanilla.. |
Añadir la copita de licor cafe, mezclar. Add the glass of coffee liqueur, mix..
Añadir el cafe disuelto en agua caliente, mezclar. Add the dissolved coffee in hot water, mix.
Añadir la nueces picaditas, mezclar. Add the chopped walnuts, mix.
Ya tenemos la masa lista. Beating well after each addition.. |
Colocar la masa en el molde, que habremos engrasado con tiempo. Pour batter into a greased and floured 10 to 12 inches ring pan.. |
Hornear durante 45 a 50 minutos ó hasta que al meter un palillo este salga limpio. Bake on 180 degrees for 45 to 50 mins.. |
Sacar del horno y dejar reposar sobre una rejilla durante 15 minutos antes de desmoldar. Cool for 15 mins before removing from pan to a wire rack to cool completely. |
Desmoldamos...mirad que super aspecto mas apetitoso tiene nuestro Bundt! Unmold ... look how appetizing our Bundt looks!
Aplicar el licor cafe con ayuda de una brocha, en la parte superior, agrega un poco más en los agujeros hasta que se haya absorbido todo el licor de café. Keep brushing the coffee liquor on the top and occasionally adding a bit more to holes until all the coffee licor has been absorbed.
Montar la nata muy fria con el azucar y la vainilla. Con ayuda de una manga pastelera con boquilla redonda aplicar la crema, decorar a nuestro gusto con las nueces y chispitas de chocolate, Terminar espolvoreando en cacao. Whip the cold cream, with the sugar and vanilla. Apply the cream, with pastry bag. Decorate to your liking. |
Como veis mis Patycofans, es una verdadera delicia de Cafe. You see my Patycofans, it is a real treat Coffee...
A disfrutar!!! To enjoy!!!
#BundtBakers is a group of Bundt loving bakers who get together once a
month to bake Bundts with a common ingredient or themeYou can see all of
our lovely Bundts by following our Pinterest board. We take turns
hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient. Updated links for
all of our past events and more information about BundtBakers, can be
found on our home page.
Love all that cream and nuts on top!!!
ResponderEliminarWhat a gorgeous bundt. I'm happy this theme gave you pleasant memories.
ResponderEliminarWhat a beautiful cake, Patricia! I love coffee liqueur both for baking and sipping.
ResponderEliminarI love coffee flavoured desserts and boozy desserts. So coffee plus liquor? Sounds heavenly!