

21 octubre 2021

*Boooo...Chocolate-Coconut and Pumpkin Marble Bundt*





*Boooo..Chocolate-Coconut and Pumpkin Marble Bundt*


 Halloween is coming my Patycofans ...They are sweet days ... 
days of smiles...mummy days ... pumpkin days
In short, sweet cake days!
Booooo ....👻👻👻
Our hostess is Wendy and she proposes Halloween treats! 
 For our monthly challenge #Bundtbakers
Se acerca el Halloween mis Patycofans...Son dias dulces ...
dias de sonrisas...dias de momias...dias de calabazas
en resumen dias de pasteles dulces!
Nuestra anfitriona es Wendy y nos propone delicias para Halloween! 
Para nuestro reto mensual #BundtBakers



2 y 1/2 tazas Harina
1 cucharadita Sal
2 cucharaditas Levadura
169g Mantequilla pomada
2 tazas Azucar
5 Huevos
1 cucharadita Vainilla
Media taza Coco rallado
170g Chocolate negro
230g Calabaza asada
Media taza Leche
Colorante alimentario Naranja
50g chocolate negro
3 Galletas Maria
16 galletas Oreo (quitar la crema)

Especies para pure calabaza:
media cucharadita Canela
media cucharadita Nuez moscada
media cucharadita Jengibre polvo
media cucharadita Clavo moldo


 2 1/ 2 cups All Purpose Flour
1 teaspoon Salt
2 teaspoons Baking Powder
1 1/ 2 Softened Sticks Unsalted Butter
2 cups Sugar
5 Large Eggs
1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
1/ 2 cup Sweetened Coconut Flakes
6 ounces Dark Chocolate
15 ounces Can of Pumpkin
1/ 2 cup Milk
2 teaspoons Pumpkin Pie Spice
Orange food coloring
50g dark chocolate
3 graham cookies
16 Oreo cookies (remove the cream)




Paso a paso.  Instructions.

Mise en place..

Dividir en dos boles los ingredientes secos asi: 1 1/4 taza harina, media cucharadita de sal y una cucharadita de levadura.   Divide dry ingredients into two separate medium bowls putting 1 1/4 cup of flour, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, and 1 teaspoon of baking powder into each...

En el bol de la batidota cremar la mantequilla con el azucar durante 5 minutos..   In a large bowl, cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy... 

Añadir los huevos uno a uno sin dejar de batir, añadir la vainilla..    Beat in the eggs, one at a time. Add vanilla...

Derretir el chocolate en el microondas en golpes de calor de 30 segundos , hasta lograr que este muy cremoso, reservar para que se enfrie. Es el momento de precalentar el horno a 180 grados...   Put 6 oz of chocolate in small bowl and microwave in 30 seconds increments or until melted. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F...

Pondremos la mezcla de huevo dividida en dos partes proporcionales en cada bol de harinas, mezclar hasta lograr una masa cremosa, un bol sera para la masa de chocolate/coco y el otro bol sera para la masa de calabaza...   Make the base cake batter by pouring half of the butter/sugar mixture into the two separate bowls of flour.  Combine both bowls until well combined and creamy.  One will be for chocolate/coconut cake mix and one is for the pumpkin cake.

Para la masa de calabaza, añadiremos el pure de calabaza, las especias y el colorante naranja...   For the pumpkin batter: Add 1 can of pumpkin and the pumpkin pie spice to the other butter-flour batter, and the orange food coloring...

Mezclar bien integrando la masa...   Mix together until well combined.

Para la masa de chocolate & coco: Añadir el chocolate que ya estara frio, añadir la leche y el coco rallado...   For the chocolate & coconut batter:  Add the chocolate. Then add 1/2 cup of milk and 1/2 cup of flaked coconut...

 Mezclar unificando la masa...   Mix and set aside...

Engrasar el molde Bundt de 12 tazas y espolvorear con harina. Colocar primero la mitad de la masa de calabaza, encima colocar la masa de chocolate de a pocos con una cuchara, hacer remolinos con ayuda de un cuchillo, repetimos con el resto de la masa de calabaza y mezclamos haciendo movimientos de arriba abajo...   Spray 12 cup Bundt pan with nonstick baking spray and dust with flour. Spoon half the pumpkin batter into the 12-cup bundt-cake pan. Drop the chocolate batter by spoonfuls over the pumpkin batter. Swirl a couple times with a butter knife. Repeat to spoon remaining pumpkin and chocolate batters into pan.  Swirl again about 10 times back and forth all over the pan...

Para finalizar colocamos la masa de chocolate y nuevamente hacemos los remolinos por toda la superficie...   Swirl a couple times with a butter knife. Repeat to spoon remaining pumpkin and chocolate batters into pan.  Swirl again about 10 times back and forth all over the pan...

Hornear durante 55 a 60 minutos ó hasta que al hacer la prueba del palillo este salga limpio...   Bake for 55-60 minutes or until toothpick comes out mostly clean. 

 Ohhh...parece un volcan...jejej. Dejamos reposar 15 minutos, desmoldamos sobre una rejilla para dejar enfriar por completo...   Cool cake 15 minutes before turning it on a rack, then let cool completely...

Decorar las galletas con chocolate liquido. Triturar las galletas oreo para hacer la tierra...   Decorate the cookies with liquid chocolate. Crush the oreo cookies to make the dirt...

Y ahora nos divertimos decorando nuestras tumbas...jejej...   And now we have fun decorating our graves ... hahaha

Mis Patycofans...este bundt tiene una mezcla de sabores que os encantara...Chocolate..Coco y Calabaza..son lo mejor!!!   My Patycofans ... this bundt has a mixture of flavors that you will love ... Chocolate..Coco and Pumpkin..they are the best !!!

Que lo disfruteis!  Enjoy it!



#BundtBakers is a group of Bundt loving bakers who get together once a month to bake Bundts with a common ingredient or theme. You can see all of our lovely Bundts by following our Pinterest board. We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.
Updated links for all of our past events and more information about BundtBakers, can be found on our home page.


6 comentarios:

  1. Love the graveyard theme....perfect for this event. Thanks for joining me.

  2. That last photo is super spooky! I love that you made two batters, Patricia! Pumpkin and chocolate go so well together.

  3. It’s glowing! Haha but I’m not scared. If I eat in the dark can I sneak a second slice? 😁😋

  4. What a perfect Halloween grave yard cake!

  5. SO PRETTY!! The marbling is GORGEOUS on this cake - love the decorations!


Gracias por leerme y comentar mi receta... me hace mucha ilusión!
Tus comentarios seran bienvenidos y si teneis alguna duda o pregunta estare encantada de responder, dejame tu mail y podré contestarte directamente!
Pato Abracitos!!!
Thanks for reading and commenting my recipe ... Im very excited!
Your comments are welcome and if you have any questions I´ll be happy to answer, let me your mail and I can answer directly!
Love Pato!!!