

15 abril 2021

*Orange Blossom Bundt Cake*




*Orange Blossom Bundt Cake*

 Flor de Azahar


My Patycofans in April our inspiration for my group @BundtBakers
with a proposal from our friend @Camilla are the flowers! 
Yes .. its essences .. its colors! 
"Blooming Bundt"
So I have thought that as in April, Seville smells of orange blossom ...
What better tribute than a cake with its wonderful aroma! 

Mis Patycofans en Abril nuestra inspiracion para mi grupo @BundtBakers
con propuesta de nuestra amiga @Camilla son las flores! 
Si ..sus esencias.. sus colores!
"Blooming Bundt"
Asi que he pensado que como en Abril, Sevilla huele a flores de azahar..
que mejor homenaje que una tarta con su maravilloso aroma!


4 Huevos  (4 Eggs)
250g Harina  (250g all-purpose flour)
50g Harina Almendras (50g Almond flour)
125g Mantequilla  (125g Butter)
200g azucar Mascabado  (1 cup Mascabado sugar)
50g azucar Moreno  (1/3 cup packed Brown sugar)
1 cucharada agua Azahar  (1 tablespoon orange blossom water)
Zumo media Naranja  (1/4 cup Orange juice)
125g Aceite Oliva Suave  (125g mild Olive oil)
10g Levadura  (2 tsp Baking powder)
pizca Sal  (pinch Salt)
Azucar Glass (Powdered sugar)

Paso a paso & Directions

Mise en place..

Batir los huevos, añadir el azucar y mezclar a velocidad alta durante 5 minutos hasta que la mezcla cambie de color y doble su tamaño.. Beat the eggs, add the sugar and mix on high speed for 5 minutes until the mixture changes color and doubles in size..

Aparte mezclar y tamizar el harina con la levadura..  In a separate bowl, combine flour, baking powder..

Añadir el aceite..Add the oil..

Añadir la sal. Add salt..

Añadir la mantequilla liquida..Add the liquid butter..

Añadir el agua de Azahar..Add the orange blossom water..

Añadir el harina de almendra..Add the almond flour..

Agregar lentamente el harina a la mezcla de la batidora.  Slowly add flour mixture to mixer and blend.

Añadir el zumo de la naranja..Add the orange juice..

Poner la masa en el molde y dar unos golpes suaves para sacar las burbujas de airePour into prepared pan. Tap gently on countertop to remove air bubbles..

Hornear durante 50 minutos ó hasta que al hacer la prueba del palillo este salga limpio. Bake for 45-55 minutes. Remove from oven when toothpick inserted into densest part of cake comes out clean.

Aqui tenemos el bundt horneado, esperamos durante 15 minutos para desmoldar.  When cake is done baking..

Y ya dejamos enfriar por completo sobre una rejilla.  Cool cake in pan 15 minutes before inverting onto cooling rack.

Decorar por encima con una lluvia de azucar glass y ya tendremos listo nuestro delicioso Bundt..Decorate with a rain of glass sugar and we will have a delicious Bundt ready..

Mis Patycofans..esta receta os va a enamorar, el sabor es suave y el azahar le da un aroma delicioso, la miga es tierna y muy esponjosa..un pecado mortal..jajaj. que lo disfruteis!!!   My Patycofans..this recipe will make you fall in love, the taste is mild and the orange blossom gives it a delicious aroma, the crumb is tender and very fluffy, enjoy!!!

 #BundtBakers is a group of Bundt loving bakers who get together once a month to bake Bundts with a common ingredient or themeYou can see all of our lovely Bundts by following our Pinterest board. We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient. Updated links for all of our past events and more information about BundtBakers, can be found on our home page

  • Cranberry and Rosewater Bundt by A Day in the Life on the Farm
  • Devil's Food Cake With Hard Icing by Sneha's Recipe
  • Hibiscus Glazed Chocolate Bundt Cake by Making Miracles
  • Jasmine-Infused Tres Leches Bundt by Culinary Adventures with Camilla
  • Saffron Mini Bundts by Magical Ingredients
  • Orange Blossom Bundt Cake by Patyco Candybar
  • White Chocolate Lavender Bundt by Sweet Sensations
  • 10 comentarios:

    1. Thanks for joining me. And thanks for baking such a gorgeous cake. I can't wait to try it.

      1. Thanks to you for your hosted ...
        All recipes are delicious!
        Abracitos guapa!!!

    2. Loving that flavor profile. I have made orange blossom cake in the past and it was excellent. Yours looks amazing.

    3. Beautiful bundt, love the orange blossom used in it!

    4. This is a gorgeous cake! Love the flavor profile of the cake. Can't wait to try it.

    5. I feel as though I smell the faint aroma of orange. Your cakes are always so pretty and I love your presentation.


    Gracias por leerme y comentar mi receta... me hace mucha ilusión!
    Tus comentarios seran bienvenidos y si teneis alguna duda o pregunta estare encantada de responder, dejame tu mail y podré contestarte directamente!
    Pato Abracitos!!!
    Thanks for reading and commenting my recipe ... Im very excited!
    Your comments are welcome and if you have any questions I´ll be happy to answer, let me your mail and I can answer directly!
    Love Pato!!!