

21 noviembre 2019

Biscoff Lotus Crumble Toffee Bundt Cake

*Biscoff Lotus Crumble Toffee Bundt Cake*


This month we're celebrating one of my favorite holiday cookies- Biscoff.
And we also celebrate that is the month of the Bundt cake!
I bring a crunchy and delicious recipe, flavored with cinnamon and caramel scrumptious! 

 Este mes celebramos una de mis galletas navideñas favoritas: Biscoff.
Y tambien celebramos que es el mes del Bundt cake!
Os traigo una receta crujiente y deliciosa, con sabor a canela y caramelo 
para chuparse los dedos! 


340g Harina. (340 Flour)
3 Huevos. (3 Eggs)
1 cucharadita Canela. (1 teaspoon cinnamon)
100g Azucar. (100g Sugar)
100g Azucar moreno. (100g Brown sugar)
125ml Aceite. (125ml Oil)
7,5g Levadura. (7,5g Yeast)
5g Bicarbonato. (5g 
1/4 cucharadita Sal. (1/4 teaspoon Salt)
250ml Leche. (250ml Milk)
12 Galletas Biscoff. (12 Cookies Biscoff)


8 galletas Biscoff  (8 Cookies Biscoff)
75g Azucar moreno  (75g Brown sugar)  
5g Canela molida  (5g powdered cinnamon)
20g Almendras laminas  (20g sliced almonds)
50g Mantequilla fria  (50g cold butter)

Paso a paso:

Mise en place...

Mezclar el harina con la canela, la levadura y el bicarbonato  (Mix the flour with cinnamon, yeast and baking soda)

Y cernir, ahora es el momento de precalentar el horno a 180 grados con calor arriba y abajo  (Sift, now is the time to preheat the oven to 180 degrees with heat up and down)

Aparte cremar los huevos con el azucar durante 5 minutos, la mezcla cambiara de color y sera muy clara  ( Cremate the eggs with the sugar for 5 minutes, the mixture will change color and clear)

Añadir ahora el azucar moreno mezclando  (Add brown sugar mix now)

Añadir el aceite de girasol en hilo y continuar batiendo  (Add sunflower oil and continue beating thread)

Triturar las galletas Biscoff, en trozos grandes  (Crush Biscoff cookies, in large pieces)

Añadir el harina en tres veces, intercalando con la leche  (Add the flour in three times, alternating with milk) 

Por ultimo añadimos las galletas y mezclamos a mano  (Finally add the biscuits and mix by hand)
Colocamos la masa en el molde muy engrasado por todos los rincones  (I put the dough into the mold very greased every corner)

Horneamos durante 50 minutos hasta que el palillo salga limpio, mirad que aspecto mas bonito tiene el pastel  (Bake for 50 minutes until toothpick comes out clean, take heed that looks more beautiful cake)

Dejamos templar durante 15 minutos para desmoldar y ya dejar enfriar por completo sobre una rejilla  (We leave for 15 minutes to anneal and demold and let cool completely on a rack)
Mise en place del relleno  (Mise en place of the filling)

Tostar las almendras  (Toast the almonds)
Añadir las almendras a las galletas gruesamente troceadas (Add almonds to thickly chopped cookies)

Añadir el azucar moreno  (Add brown sugar)

Añadir la mantequilla muy fria y cortada en cuadritos  (Add the butter very cold and cut into squares)

Mezclar con el mezclador de mano, poco a poco hasta ir integrando todos los ingredientes, sin tocarlos para no calentar y estropear la mezcla  (Mix with hand mixer, gradually to be integrating all the ingredients, without touching them not to heat and spoil the mix)

Cortar el Bundt en 2 partes con ayuda de un buen cuchillo largo de sierrra  (Cut the Bundt into 2 parts with the help of a good long sawing knife)

Cubrir con una generosa capa de caramelo calentito...Aqui teneis la receta  (place with a generous layer of warm caramel ... Here is the recipe)

Cubrir con el crumble, colocar la tapa y bañar generosamente con el caramlo, esparcir el crumble que se pegara facilmente al bundt  (Cover with the crumble, place the lid and wash generously with candy, spread the crumble it easily stick to the bundt

Ya podremos disfrutar de este delicioso compemdio de sabores y texturas, armonicas y suaves  (And we can enjoy this delicious compemdio of flavors and textures, harmonic and soft)

Os dejo que  lo disfruteis mis Patycofans  (I let you enjoy my Patycofans)

Aqui mis Compis #BundtBakers....Here my Compis #BundtBakers

 #BundtBakers is a group of Bundt loving bakers who get together once a month to bake Bundts with a common ingredient or theme. You can see all our of lovely Bundts by following our Pinterest board. We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.
Updated links for all of our past events and more information about BundtBakers, can be found on our home page

8 comentarios:

  1. My oh my I can practically smell the biscoff coming through the screen! Beautiful cake!

    1. Thanks ... I'm happy. The smell of cinnamon is wonderful !!!

  2. Oh this bundt looks absolutely beautiful!! I would love a slice of this! Thank you so much for participating in this month's theme! <3

    1. Thank you very much ... of course I would love to resend !!! Many hugs

  3. I love what you've done with this cake! I've only sliced a Bundt cake in half once and it was in a plain pan. Slicing this cake in this pan would have been intimidating for me but you did an excellent job.

    1. I was also afraid but I put some marks and in the end it was easy, I hope you do, a big hug!


Gracias por leerme y comentar mi receta... me hace mucha ilusión!
Tus comentarios seran bienvenidos y si teneis alguna duda o pregunta estare encantada de responder, dejame tu mail y podré contestarte directamente!
Pato Abracitos!!!
Thanks for reading and commenting my recipe ... Im very excited!
Your comments are welcome and if you have any questions I´ll be happy to answer, let me your mail and I can answer directly!
Love Pato!!!